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Knockback - KB

size | monster class | chance |
Act Bosses and stationary monsters (Towers, Catapults etc), also Golems are no subject to KB. complete list | ||
large | Greater Mummy | 25% |
Blunderbore | ||
Siege Beast | ||
Itchies | ||
Mosquito | ||
medium | Zombies | 50% |
Skeleton | ||
Corrupted Rogue | ||
Player Character | ||
Hireling | ||
small | Fallen | 100% |
Flayer | ||
Imp |
Chance to knock back
Physically delivered attacks may push away an enemy depending on his size. Provided there's space left behind that enemy.
Most flying units are treated as large, even if graphics output indicates otherwise.
Some units won't suffer Knockback, see listing at the very end of this FAQtoid.
The chance itself is boolean, that is it doesn't matter if you wear one ore more items granting KB. Item list can be found at Atair's german d2wissen. Some skills also grant KB.
- Dragon Claw (Assassin)
- Mind Blast (Assassin)
- Bash (Barbarian)
- Leap (Barbarian)
- Leap Attack (Barbarian)
- Molten Boulder (Druid)
- der Grizzly (Druid)
- Smite (Paladin)
- Charge (Paladin)
- Sanctuary (Paladin, versus undead only)
- Telekinesis (Sorceress)
Paladin's Sanctuary aura only pushes undead away. Knockback distance is dependent on skill level here, there is no difference in monster size.
Like with most trigger events since 1.10 KB is checked only at middle two arrows of Amazon's Multiple Shot spread.
Those units may apply Knockback otherwise
- - Blood Raven has assigned Knockback property in MonProp.txt for Hell difficulty
- - all Frog Demons' spitting in Act3 has 33% chance to Knockback (no matter which kind of damage)
- - the Nessie tentacles' spitting in Act3 ponds has 33% chance to Knockback
- - Baal's icy wedge thingie has 75% chance to KB
Knockback range
Knockback distance is set to the limits of a 7x7 square of subtiles with the base tile of the unit as center. Thus distance varies depending on direction between approximately 2 yards and 2.66 yards. Only the position of the unit dealing the KB effect during impact determines the direction of the effect upon the enemy.
see also
- Zealing with a ... War Pike, onderduiker's findings and illustrations
- Hammerman
- onderduiker
units which won't suffer Knockback
'objectish' immobile units
- crownest
- gargoyletrap
- maggotegg
- sarcophagus
- maggotqueen (Coldworm)
- turret
- firetower
- lightningspire
- mephistospirit
- trappedsoul
- window (in this Cathedral Ruin which sometimes spawns in Act4)
- hellmeteor (Act4 River of Flame, unselectable anyway)
- boneprison (Diablo's)
- all Catapults
- barricadedoor1
- barricadedoor2
- prisondoor
- barricadetower
- barricadewall1
- barricadewall2
- evilhut (Imp spawner)
- baalthrone
- baaltaunt
- baalcrabstairs
mobile units
- griswold
- andariel
- duriel
- darkwanderer (unselectable anyway)
- mephisto
- izual
- diablo
- diabloclone
- suicideminion
- nihlathakboss
- ancientbarb
- baalcrab
- baalclone
- ubermephisto
- uberandariel
- uberizual
- uberduriel
- uberbaal
allied units
- act5hire (the Act5 Barbarian hireling)
- claygolem
- bloodgolem
- irongolem
- firegolem
- bonewall
- hydra
- druidhawk
- all Totems and Vines
- all Traps
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