Nothing is Easy
Some items grant a bonus of up to three points to up to three skills of a class. This is not a magical property, thus it doesn't count as affix and is granted independent from magical quality of an item. This works very similarly to automods, but don't mix up those two properties.
staffmods (and also automods) are rerolled each time you use the cube, besides upgrading Rares. They're also rerolled if you give an according item to Charsi to get her Imbue quest reward. Giving an appropriate item to Larzuk to get some holes drilled into won't change staffmods.
Below listed item types may spawn with staffmods, as always the links refere to
Atair's german d2wissen.
- Assassin,
only some of the Claws *- Hand Scythe
- Greater Claws
- Greater Talons
- Scissors Quhab
- Suwayyah
- Wrist Sword
- War Fist
- Battle Cestus
- Feral Claws
- Runic Talons
- Scissors Suwayyah
- Barbarian
- Druid
- Necromancer
- Wands
beware: if you look for a wand to put some runeword in it the simple Wand, Yew Wand and Burnt Wand will only gain one socket in any case. - Shrunken Heads (Totems)
- Wands
- Paladin
- Sorceress
- Orbs (sorceress-specific one-handed weapons)
- two-handed staves
iLvl | skill group | |||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
iLvl ≤ 11 | 80% | 20% | - | |||
12 ≤ iLvl ≤ 18 | 30% | 50% | 20% | - | ||
19 ≤ iLvl ≤ 24 | 10% | 20% | 50% | 20% | - | |
25 ≤ iLvl ≤ 36 | - | 10% | 20% | 50% | 20% | |
37 ≤ iLvl ≤ 99 | - | 10% | 20% | 50% | 20% |
* Only those claws may spawn with staffmods. They're flagged as h2h2 in Weapons.txt. Other item types spawnable with staffmods don't suffer such a penalty.
The table beneath shows possible skill groups' dependance from item's internal level (iLvl). This iLvl is determined the moment the item is spawned, regardless if the spawning happens via monster drop, activating the vendor screen (also activating the gamble screen) or (re)rolling the Horadric Cube. For survey's sake the table deciphering skill groups is down at this page's Appendix.
generating staffmods
Technically staffmods are generated following several steps.
If this description brings to much confusion, refer to Item Generation Question topic over at the Lurker Lounge.
Step 1
random number Z | sum of skills |
91 ≤ Z | 3 |
71 ≤ Z ≤ 90 | 2 |
31 ≤ Z ≤ 70 | 1 |
Z ≤ 30 | - |
how many?
At first the count of skills which get an actual bonus is determinated
A random figure Z from {0, ..., 99} is rolled.
If the item is spawned due to Imbue at Charsi's, Z gains additively a bonus of iLvl's figure, so it's Z + iLvl in this case. Charsi's Imbue will always grant you at least a bonus to one single skill..
which ones?
Step 2
iLvl | base value B |
* not D2C | |
37 ≤ iLvl | 5 * |
25 ≤ iLvl ≤ 36 | 4 |
19 ≤ iLvl ≤ 24 | 3 |
12 ≤ iLvl ≤ 18 | 2 |
1 ≤ iLvl ≤ 11 | 1 |
Now the specific single skills are chosen. Each skill is identified by an individual number, further referred to as SkillID.
To determine specific single skills, or more precisely their SkillID, each generated one will get a base value B depending on item's iLvl
Step 3
random value Z2 | Modificator |
81 ≤ Z2 ≤ 99 | +1 |
31 ≤ Z2 ≤ 80 | +0 |
11 ≤ Z2 ≤ 30 | -1 |
0 ≤ Z2 ≤ 10 | -2 |
Our B gets modified again by another random figure Z2 from {0, ..., 99}. If item's quality is worse than 'normal', the result is limited to 4.
Resulting figure steps into following formula as Skilladd.
Step 4
SkillID = SkillbaseID + 5 * Skilladd - 5 + rnd[5]
SkillID: specific ID of resulting skill SkillbaseID: lowest SkillID of any skill spawnable on your item (compare Appendix' table) Skilladd: result of Steps 2 and 3; minimum 1, maximum 6 rnd[5]: random figure (...again...) from {0,1,2,3,4}
Step 5
Now there's an internal routine checking if chosen skill is allowed to spawn on that item. Appendix' table shows an entry in itypea1 with some skills. This is taken from Skills.txt and restricts the skill to spawn only on here defined item types.
If up to Step 4 a skill is chosen which isn't allowed due to that restriction, Step 4 is repeated up to six times to chose an allowed skill. If sixth roll also results in a skill which isn't allowed, this skill will nevertheless spawn.
This routine prevents Primal Helms from spawning with boni to Combat Skills, also scepters from spawning with boni to Smite or Holy Shield. This boni only spawn, if six times' tries won't roll an allowed skill.
If the roll results in an already bonus-given skill up to that point, Step 4 is repeated also up to six times. If sixth try rolls again an already bonus-given skill, this one will replace the previous one. So there's a malus to complete count of granted skill boni quite at the end of the process, since you'll lose an already given bonus that way.
how good?
random figure Z3 | skill point bonus |
90 ≤ Z3 | +3 |
60 ≤ Z3 ≤ 89 | +2 |
0 ≤ Z3 ≤ 59 | +1 |
Last step rolls another random figure Z3 from {0, ..., 99} for each granted skill to determine how much points will be granted.
During Imbue Z3 gets again an iLvl bonus of iLvl/2, which will be rounded down, so it's Z3 + [iLvl/2] actually.
some musings about shopping a runeword blank
Skills which require just a cLvl of 1 can't spawn on items with iLvl ≥ 25, so they won't show up at vemdors' when you visit them with cLvl ≥ 20; skills with requirement of cLvl6 won't spawn at iLvl ≥ 37, so if your character is cLvl ≥ 32 he won't find them at vendors'.
Also vendors only will sell items with iLvl ≥ 25 in magical versions, so this is useless for runewords.
Furthermore skills whose character level requirements differ by 18 or more can't spawn on the same item. In that small range of iLvls a vendor will offer in non-magical versions the difference can't exceed 12, respectively six, levels.
see also:
- Item Generation Question, 1.09, good explanation, though
- staffmod shopping table & info, a bit outdated
- 1.10 staffmod generation, by Dosbis, in german
- adeyke
- Dosbis
- GaiaCaT
- Hammerman
- Nick043
- nookiestar
- Thrugg
Skill | Fertigkeit | SkillID | itypea1 | cLvlrq | Skilladd |
Skill | Fertigkeit | SkillID | itypea1 | cLvlrq | Skilladd |
Amazon's skills can'T spawn as staffmods knif: any knife weapon mele: any melee weapon shld: any shield thro: any throwing weapon h2h: any claw weapon | |||||
Sorceress | |||||
FireBolt | Feuerblitz | 36 | - | 1 | 1 |
Warmth | Wärme | 37 | - | 1 | |
ChargedBolt | Comboblitz | 38 | - | 1 | |
IceBolt | Eisblitz | 39 | - | 1 | |
FrozenArmor | Eispanzer | 40 | - | 1 | |
Inferno | 41 | - | 6 | 2 | |
StaticField | Statikfeld | 42 | - | 6 | |
Telekinesis | 43 | - | 6 | ||
Frost Nova | 44 | - | 6 | ||
IceBlast | Eisstoß | 45 | - | 6 | |
Blaze | Feuersbrunst | 46 | - | 12 | 3 |
FireBall | Feuerball | 47 | - | 12 | |
Nova | 48 | - | 12 | ||
Lightning | Blitzschlag | 49 | - | 12 | |
ShiverArmor | Zitterrüstung | 50 | - | 12 | |
FireWall | Feuerwand | 51 | - | 18 | 4 |
Enchant | Verzaubern | 52 | - | 18 | |
ChainLightning | Kettenblitz | 53 | - | 18 | |
Teleport | 54 | - | 18 | ||
GlacialSpike | Gletschernadel | 55 | - | 18 | |
Meteor | 56 | - | 24 | 5 | |
ThunderStorm | Gewitter | 57 | - | 24 | |
EnergyShield | Energieschild | 58 | - | 24 | |
Blizzard | 59 | - | 24 | ||
ChillingArmor | Frostrüstung | 60 | - | 24 | |
FireMastery | Feuerbeherrschung | 61 | - | 30 | 6 |
Hydra | 62 | - | 30 | ||
LightningMastery | Blitzbeherrschung | 63 | - | 30 | |
FrozenOrb | Frostsphäre | 64 | - | 30 | |
ColdMastery | Kältebeherrschung | 65 | - | 30 | |
Necromancer | |||||
AmplifyDamage | Verstärkter Schaden | 66 | - | 1 | 1 |
Teeth | Zähne | 67 | - | 1 | |
BoneArmor | Knochenrüstung | 68 | - | 1 | |
SkeletonMastery | Skelett Beherrschung | 69 | - | 1 | |
RaiseSkeleton | Skelettkrieger beschwören | 70 | - | 1 | |
DimVision | Schwache Sicht | 71 | - | 6 | 2 |
Weaken | Schwächen | 72 | - | 6 | |
PoisonDagger | Giftdolch | 73 | knif | 6 | |
CorpseExplosion | Kadaver Explosion | 74 | - | 6 | |
ClayGolem | Ton Golem | 75 | - | 6 | |
IronMaiden | Eiserne Jungfrau | 76 | - | 12 | 3 |
Terror | 77 | - | 12 | ||
BoneWall | Knochenwand | 78 | - | 12 | |
GolemMastery | Golem Beherrschung | 79 | - | 12 | |
RaiseSkeletalMage | Skelettmagier beschwören | 80 | - | 12 | |
Confuse | Verwirren | 81 | - | 18 | 4 |
LifeTap | Lebensspender | 82 | - | 18 | |
PoisonExplosion | Giftexplosion | 83 | - | 18 | |
BoneSpear | Knochenspeer | 84 | - | 18 | |
BloodGolem | Blutgolem | 85 | - | 18 | |
Attract | Mittelpunkt | 86 | - | 24 | 5 |
Decrepify | Altern | 87 | - | 24 | |
BonePrison | Knochengefängnis | 88 | - | 24 | |
SummonResist | Monsterwiderstand | 89 | - | 24 | |
IronGolem | Eisen Golem | 90 | - | 24 | |
LowerResist | Widerstandsschwund | 91 | - | 30 | 6 |
PoisonNova | Giftnova | 92 | - | 30 | |
BoneSpirit | Knochengeist | 93 | - | 30 | |
FireGolem | Feuergolem | 94 | - | 30 | |
Revive | Wiederbeleben | 95 | - | 30 | |
Paladin | |||||
Sacrifice | Opfer | 96 | mele | 1 | 1 |
Smite | Niederstrecken | 97 | shld | 1 | |
Might | Macht | 98 | - | 1 | |
Prayer | Gebet | 99 | - | 1 | |
ResistFire | Widerstand gegen Feuer | 100 | - | 1 | |
HolyBolt | Heiliger Blitz | 101 | - | 6 | 2 |
HolyFire | Heiliges Feuer | 102 | - | 6 | |
Thorns | Dornen | 103 | - | 6 | |
Defiance | Trotz | 104 | - | 6 | |
ResistCold | Widerstand gegen Kälte | 105 | - | 6 | |
Zeal | Eifer | 106 | mele | 12 | 3 |
Charge | Ansturm | 107 | mele | 12 | |
BlessedAim | Gesegneter Zielsucher | 108 | - | 12 | |
Cleansing | Reinigung | 109 | - | 12 | |
ResistLightning | Widerstand gegen Blitz | 110 | - | 12 | |
Vengeance | Rache | 111 | mele | 18 | 4 |
BlessedHammer | Gesegneter Hammer | 112 | - | 18 | |
Concentration | Konzentration | 113 | - | 18 | |
HolyFreeze | Heiliger Frost | 114 | - | 18 | |
Vigor | Gedeihen | 115 | - | 18 | |
Conversion | Bekehren | 116 | mele | 24 | 5 |
HolyShield | Heiliger Schild | 117 | shld | 24 | |
HolyShock | Heiliger Schock | 118 | - | 24 | |
Sanctuary | Zuflucht | 119 | - | 24 | |
Meditation | 120 | - | 24 | ||
FistoftheHeavens | Himmelsfaust | 121 | - | 30 | 6 |
Fanaticism | Fanatismus | 122 | - | 30 | |
Conviction | Überzeugung | 123 | mele | 30 | |
Redemption | Rücknahme | 124 | - | 30 | |
Salvation | Errettung | 125 | - | 30 | |
Barbarian | |||||
Bash | Hieb | 126 | mele | 1 | 1 |
SwordMastery | Schwert Beherrschung | 127 | - | 1 | |
AxeMastery | Axt Beherrschung | 128 | - | 1 | |
MaceMastery | Knüppel Beherrschung | 129 | - | 1 | |
Howl | Heulen | 130 | - | 1 | |
FindPotion | Elixier Finden | 131 | - | 1 | 2 |
Leap | Sprung | 132 | - | 6 | |
DoubleSwing | Doppelschwung | 133 | mele | 6 | |
PoleArmMastery | Stangen Beherrschung | 134 | - | 6 | |
ThrowingMastery | Wurfbeherrschung | 135 | - | 6 | |
SpearMastery | Speer Beherrschung | 136 | - | 6 | 3 |
Taunt | Hohn | 137 | - | 6 | |
Shout | Schrei | 138 | - | 6 | |
Stun | Lähmen | 139 | mele | 12 | |
DoubleThrow | Doppelwurf | 140 | thro | 12 | |
IncreasedStamina | Erhöhte Ausdauer | 141 | - | 12 | 4 |
FindItem | Gegenstand Finden | 142 | - | 12 | |
LeapAttack | Sprungangriff | 143 | mele | 18 | |
Concentrate | Konzentrieren | 144 | mele | 18 | |
IronSkin | Eisenhaut | 145 | - | 18 | |
BattleCry | Schlachtruf | 146 | - | 18 | 5 |
Frenzy | Raserei | 147 | mele | 24 | |
IncreasedSpeed | Erhöhtes Tempo | 148 | - | 24 | |
BattleOrders | Kampfbefehle | 149 | - | 24 | |
GrimWard | Grausiger Schutz | 150 | - | 24 | |
Whirlwind | Wirbelwind | 151 | mele | 30 | 6 |
Berserk | Amok | 152 | mele | 30 | |
NaturalResistance | Natürlicher Widerstand | 153 | - | 30 | |
WarCry | Kriegsschrei | 154 | - | 30 | |
BattleCommand | Kampfaufruf | 155 | - | 30 | |
Druid | |||||
Raven | Raben | 221 | - | 1 | 1 |
PlaguePoppy | Giftkriecher | 222 | - | 1 | |
Werewolf | 223 | - | 1 | ||
Lycantrophy | 224 | - | 1 | ||
Firestorm | Feuersturm | 225 | - | 1 | |
OakSage | Eichbaumweiser | 226 | - | 6 | 2 |
SummonSpiritWolf | Geisterwolf Herbeirufen | 227 | - | 6 | |
Werebear | 228 | - | 6 | ||
MoltenBoulder | Felsenfeuer | 229 | - | 6 | |
ArcticBlast | Arktiswind | 230 | - | 6 | |
CycleofLife | Aasranke | 231 | - | 12 | 3 |
FeralRage | Barbarenwut | 232 | - | 12 | |
Maul | Zerfleischen | 233 | - | 12 | |
Eruption | Riß | 234 | - | 12 | |
CycloneArmor | Zyklonrüstung | 235 | - | 12 | |
HeartofWolverine | Herz des Wiesels | 236 | - | 18 | 4 |
SummonFenris | Wolf des Entsetzens Herbeirufen | 237 | - | 18 | |
Rabies | Tollwut | 238 | - | 18 | |
FireClaws | Feuerklauen | 239 | - | 18 | |
Twister | 240 | - | 18 | ||
Vines | Sonnenkriecher | 241 | - | 24 | 5 |
Hunger | 242 | - | 24 | ||
ShockWave | Schockwelle | 243 | - | 24 | |
Volcano | Vulkan | 244 | - | 24 | |
Tornado | 245 | - | 24 | ||
SpiritofBarbs | Dornengeist | 246 | - | 30 | 6 |
SummonGrizzly | Grizzly Herbeirufen | 247 | - | 30 | |
Fury | Wut | 248 | - | 30 | |
Armageddon | 249 | - | 30 | ||
Hurricane | 250 | - | 30 | ||
Assassin | |||||
FireTrauma | Feuerstoß | 251 | - | 1 | 1 |
ClawMastery | Klauen Beherrschung | 252 | h2h | 1 | |
Psycho Hammer | 253 | - | 1 | ||
TigerStrike | Tigerschlag | 254 | mele | 1 | |
DragonTalon | Drachenkralle | 255 | - | 1 | |
ShockField | Schocknetz | 256 | - | 6 | 2 |
BladeSentinel | Klingenwächter | 257 | - | 6 | |
Burst of Speed | Tempoblitz | 258 | - | 6 | |
FistsofFire | Feuerfäuste | 259 | h2h | 6 | |
DragonClaw | Drachenklaue | 260 | h2h | 6 | |
ChargedBoltSentry | Comboblitz Wächter | 261 | - | 12 | 3 |
WakeofFire | Feuerwelle | 262 | - | 12 | |
WeaponBlock | Waffenblocker | 263 | h2h | 12 | |
CloakofShadows | Schattenmantel | 264 | - | 12 | |
CobraStrike | Cobraschlag | 265 | mele | 12 | |
BladeFury | Klingenwut | 266 | - | 18 | 4 |
Fade | Verblassen | 267 | - | 18 | |
ShadowWarrior | Schattenkrieger | 268 | - | 18 | |
ClawsofThunder | Donnerklauen | 269 | h2h | 18 | |
DragonTail | Drachenschwanz | 270 | - | 18 | |
LightningSentry | Blitzwächter | 271 | - | 24 | 5 |
InfernoSentry | Infernowoge | 272 | - | 24 | |
MindBlast | Gedankenschlag | 273 | - | 24 | |
BladesofIce | Eisklingen | 274 | h2h | 24 | |
DragonFlight | Drachenflug | 275 | - | 24 | |
DeathSentry | Todeswächter | 276 | - | 30 | 6 |
BladeShield | Klingenschild | 277 | - | 30 | |
Venom | Giftgeifer | 278 | - | 30 | |
ShadowMaster | Schattenmeister | 279 | - | 30 | |
RoyalStrike | Phoenixschlag | 280 | mele | 30 |
Contact me via E-Mail, if you like.